

Used 2016 Mazda CX-5 Urbana IL Champaign, IL #DTOZ682342A

Call or visit for a test drive of this vehicle today!
Phone: 877-731-0258

Year: 2016
Make: Mazda
Model: CX-5
Trim: Grand Touring
Engine: SKYACTIVA® 2.5L 4-Cylinder DOHC 16V
Transmission: 6-Speed Automatic
Color: Red
Interior: black
Mileage: 45919
Stock #: DTOZ682342A
VIN: JM3KE4DY6G0704674

Those in search of a new Volkswagen vehicle in Urbana, Champaign, Danville, Rantoul and Mahomet don't need to look any further. Here at our dealership, we have a wide selection of vehicles to choose from, and a team of specialists who have the knowledge and expertise to assist you throughout your car buying experience.
1111 O'Brien Dr
Urbana IL Champaign, IL 61802

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